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The Authoritative
Website for the Carver Policy Governance® Model |
Miriam Carver is available to provide public presentations, specific training, and direct consultation in the theory and implementation of the Policy Governance® model. Miriam's schedule can be heavy, so early arrangement of dates is encouraged.
All services can be tailored to boards of equity corporations, nonprofit organizations (NGO), units of government, or groups of mixed participants.
Services include:
Introduction to the Policy Governance model: This is an interactive seminar of at least one day in duration. There is no limit on the number of attendees.
Policy Development workshop: This workshop is conducted on a board-by-board basis with those already familiar with the concepts and implications of Policy Governance. It focuses principally on the development of means policies. The workshop is at least two days in duration, though specifics are determined on a case-by-case basis. All board members should attend.
Ends Policy Development Workshop: This one-day workshop is conducted usually on a board-by-board basis and allows boards to start developing their Ends policies, as well as their plans for future approaches to Ends work. All board members should attend.
Monitoring Workshop: In this one-day workshop, boards are coached in the specifics of the rigorous monitoring method of Policy Governance. The focus is on building the board's ability to evaluate organizational (and CEO) performance on a continual basis.
Rehearsal Workshop: For boards already using the Policy Governance model, this highly interactive one-day workshop allows the rehearsal of board skill in policy use and decision-making. The skills taught enable long term maintenance of the model.
Monitoring Workshop for Management: This workshop for executives is a hands-on workshop in which the specifics of monitoring report-writing are taught. It is of at least one day in duration.
Management Implications of Policy Governance: In this one-day workshop, senior management learns the delegation possibilities afforded to management by the board's use of Policy Governance. It also applies Policy Governance principles to management.
Policy Governance Academy�: The Policy Governance Academy provides an intensive, advanced 5-day learning experience for consultants and other leaders in the principles and application of Policy Governance. Because it is an advanced training course, the Academy is available only to those who satisfactorily demonstrate an understanding of Policy Governance. This course is capped at 25 participants.
New service for persons who have completed the Policy Governance Academy:
Policy Samples Review: For over twenty years policy samples have been made available without cost to persons trained in the Policy Governance Academy. The strength of these samples is that they are generally applicable, but most importantly are model-consistent. Due to a consultants' personal style or a specific type of clientele, consultants frequently devise their own samples. There is no problem in departing from our CGD samples, but there's a large problem if new ones aren't model-consistent. Because of this potentially damaging "drift," we will no longer give out our sample policies as they evolve. We will, however, examine consultants' own samples for model-consistency and suggest changes. This is a personalized, time-consuming process, so a charge will be made for the service. For 2015 that charge will be $US 750.00 for a set of up to twenty policies (greater quantities separately priced), then the entire service and pricing will be re-evaluated.
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Copyright John and Miriam Carver,
2016 |
Updated: April 4, 2016 | Webmaster: exArte Design |